NOVEM 2023
Noise and Vibration: Emerging Methods
Thank you!
To everyone who attended and presented at NOVEM 2023, thank you.
NOVEM 2023 was the 7th in the series of NOVEM conferences. The conference was a major gathering of specialists, from research establishments and from industry, working in the areas of noise and vibration.
“Papers now available on the INCE website”
The emphasis of the conference is on new and emerging methods, techniques and technologies in acoustics and vibration.

Contributed Papers
Contributed papers are invited in areas relating to noise and vibration modeling, control, design and measurement.
Keynote Forums
As with previous NOVEMs, each day will contain a Keynote Forum, which will bring together key specialists within a common theme, followed by extensive discussion. These themes represent major scientific challenges related to noise and vibration.
Keynote Forums for NOVEM2023 concern:
- Sound field control
- Engineered materials for noise and vibration control
- Big data and machine learning in vibration and acoustics
Previous Forum themes have included
- Predictive Methodologies
- Uncertainty and variability in vibrations and acoustics
- Vibroacoustic modelling and virtual noise synthesis
- Source characterisation and inverse approaches
- Materials, structures and systems for noise and vibration control
- Experimental Advances
- Optical measurement of continuous vibration and sound fields
- Nonlinear vibration and noise
- Validating numerical vibroacoustics models – How much is enough?
- Industrial Cases
Details concerning the Keynote Forums Convenors, Chairs and Speakers can be found here
Ngā mihi nui
Thank you for attending NOVEM 2023. See you in the South of Germany, 2025.