Authors are required to submit an abstract (maximum 200 words) for review. You will also be required to indicate whether your submission is for full peer-review or for non-peer-review and select a conference Theme, as listed here.
On acceptance, you will need to submit a full paper using the NOVEM 2023 templates, which will be available soon.
Oral Presentation Details
Contributed papers will be in two parallel sessions. Oral presentations of contributed papers are for 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions and change-over. Please stick strictly to these time limits. Presentations running over will be cut short by the chairperson. All rooms have PCs with up-to-date Microsoft Office and data projectors. Presentations should be set to 16:9 screen ratio and must use PowerPoint or PDF. There will be no time to allow the setup of their own laptops. Speakers are responsible for ensuring that their presentations display correctly, including any videos or embedded files. Presenters should ensure that they bring their presentation on a USB flash drive. All presenters should make sure to go to their room prior to the session to upload and test their presentation.
Early Career Researcher Prize
To be eligble for the Early Career Researcher (ECR) Prize you must be either currently enrolled as a PhD or Masters student or within two years of completing your PhD. You must be the first author on the paper, which must be peer-reviewed, and you must present the paper at the conference. You will need to provide evidence of ECR status, such as a copy of your current registration document or graduation document, plus a supporting statement from your supervisor.
NOVEM 2023
Registrations Now Open
Ngā mihi nui
Thank you for attending NOVEM 2023. See you in the South of Germany, 2025.